Monday, August 3, 2009

Grassroots or Astroturf (oh, and a word on "nutters"...)

In the next couple months this health care debate is going to get ugly. These are big changes involving LOTS of cash, and everyone with resources and a vested interest is going to be spinning "facts" in the media... Don't take any one's words at face value until you know who they are and where they are coming from! If you hear something that sounds shocking or terrible or wonderful or unbelievable - write down the quote and source and when you get the time RESEARCH THEM!

And, if you start seeing coverage on the news about disruptions in town hall meetings or constituents demonstrating their opinions by hanging effigies of their congressional representatives... keep in mind that stories like these are just distractions. Media loves the crazies. And stories about the crazies so much easier (and more entertaining) than unraveling the tangle of special interests in health care. Or reporting on a 1,017 page bill.

Educate yourself, communicate with your representatives, be mindful of their voting record, and hold them accountable for their actions.

** Actually, I want to be sure to clarify that last point there - hold your representatives accountable at the ballot box and ABSOLUTELY NOT through violence. This is what it means to live in a democracy. This is what separates us intelligent Americans from "the nutters". The ones crying how they need to take back their country... go for it! On the 2nd Tuesday in November. See you there.