Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hasn't It Become Obvious Enough Yet?

Simple proof that these protests have nothing to do with the protesters "having there voices heard"...

Because it's not about getting more information about the bill because there are a zillion different places they can go online for that. It's not about offering suggestions because certainly they have not contributed to a solution. It's not about reforming a broken health care system because they say ours is the "best in the world" and they just want to keep what they've got. Or even a moral opposition to a public plan, as many of these protesters openly admit to being on Medicare or receiving VA health coverage. It's not about health care at all! It's a tantrum. They want to shame, intimidate, and shock. If it were about simply having their voices heard, a meeting with representative seems to be IDEAL, but they don't want that either. They've been instructed to make a fuss (preferably on video)and an actual conversation between two individuals will not suffice. They will not be happy until they (bullying white conservative christians) are back in power. When Bush proposed the single biggest expansion of public health care since Medicare was created in 1965, AND PASSED IT with no plan on how to fund it, they were no where to be seen. Crickets. Tumbleweeds. I am sick with the hypocrisy of it all.