Friday, August 14, 2009

Have a seat...

I came across this video the other night on an astrology blog that really like to read. This short film is described as a 25-minute retrospective (that) asks us to reflect on the state of the world and ourselves, and to listen more closely to what is being asked of us at this time of unprecedented global transformation.

I will admit that at times some of the images made me uncomforable or embarrassed - but I would encourage any of you who find yourself feeling the same way to please hang in there and keep watching! Suspend judgement and the very human desire for an "outcome". As one of the contributors suggests, the challenge is to "NOT fix it, just sit with the truth of it. Just sit with the truth of it and let go of the story of America As Savior..."

For more information on the video, the organization that produced it, or to see other (shorter!) worthwhile videos from them go to