Monday, August 3, 2009


You might be "a nutter" if...

*you think our president is not an American citizen despite evidence to the contrary. lots of it. seriously, tons.

*you bought a gun before the election because Obama was going to ban guns.

*you think teaching children only abstinence works.

*you don't believe global warming is real.

*you can admit global warming is real, but don't believe it has anything to do with how we humans (particularly Americans) live our lives here on the earth.

*you think it is justifiable to kill doctors willing to perform abortions.

*you are seriously and actively posting and reading on the Free Republic website. Or read WorldNetDaily. (sorry, i refuse to link to them and give them traffic)

*you believe a public health care insurance option will lead to the government euthanizing the elderly to cut costs.

*you made (had, let, whatever...) your kid pose for this picture.

Ann Coulter
Sarah Palin
Glenn Beck
Sean Hannity
Michelle Bauchman
Orly Taitz
Pamela Pilger

AND THERE'S MORE! Just puruse the results of a google image search on "right wing extremists"... that's where I found this little gem. Charming.