Thursday, June 25, 2009


Take a moment to add the following phone numbers into your cell phone contact list:

The White House: 1-202-456-1111

The Capital Hill Switchboard: 1-202-224-3121

The switchboard operator should be able to connect you to the office of any senator or congressman. Some of the larger committees also have their own offices and phone numbers and can be reached here.

This is handy because it allows me to make a couple phone calls while I am on the road (unencumbered by children) during the day. When possible I jot down a few key points I want to be sure to get across and throw the paper in my purse so I can reference it later.

Remember, just because you are not a particular politicians constituent does not mean you can not contact him/her. Our politicians make decisions all the time that effect all Americans, not just the ones living in their individual districts. That being said, when you are calling YOUR representatives it is important they know that you are a constituent. I also like to throw in some comment at the end like, "I look forward to seeing how (insert name) votes on this issue." But that's just me. It reminds them that someone is paying attention.

Do this and you won't be able to ever use the excuse that you simply to have time to get involved. Unless you prefer excuses.