Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Barney Frank Seeks to Decriminalize Pot Possession

Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts has introduced two pieces of legislation on marijuana -- one medical and one recreational. The first, HR 2835, would change federal law to allow states to experiment with medical marijuana without interference from Washington. And the second, HR 2943, would drastically reduce federal penalties for "personal possession" of marijuana.

To date the first bill has 16 cosponsors, including two Republicans (Ron Paul and Dana Rohrabacher). Frank has so far gotten less support for H.R. 2943 than for the medical marijuana bill, shown by the fact that there are currently only four cosponsors (two of which are the aforementioned Republicans).

This is a matter both of personal liberty and states rights and needs to be viewed as such. It's important to note:

  • The legislation would not affect federal laws prohibiting the cultivation or sale of marijuana for profit.

  • It would not legalize major drug dealing or create obstacles for federal officials from prosecuting such activity.

  • It would not affect any state or local laws regulating marijuana.

  • It would not alter the status of marijuana as a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act

It would, however, provide long overdue reform for US drug policy. Our courts are already stressed and our prisons are over-crowded. It seems irresponsible spend scarce resources prosecuting people who are doing no harm to others.

I strongly encourage anyone who cares about this issue to search for the these bills' cosponsors, and if you don't see your representative on those lists, contact them and ask them why!