Thursday, June 25, 2009

Advocacy Made Easy

From a business billboard in Brighton that caught my eye while driving the kids to daycare this morning:
"If you can not do something great, do something small great."

Regardless your political beliefs or affiliations, none of us has adequate time to devote to personal advocacy, as it can easily become a full-time job in and of itself! It is very easy to get overwhelmed, throw up your hands in disgust, and claim it's useless... I encourage you to take a little time to make your voice heard. It's your civic (and often even your parental) responsibility.

I've been at this game for a while now, and while I am by no means expert, I have developed a few strategies that help to streamline the process of personal advocacy to make it as efficient as possible. It is important to maximize the little time you have. I am going to post a series of useful tips to help you do just that, and hopefully as I come across new ones I will post them as well.

And if anyone else out there has some suggestion, PLEASE SHARE! Or if you find that something isn't working at all, please share that as well! Feedback is welcome and greatly appreciated...