Thursday, July 9, 2009

Is the clock running out on the two-party system?

Well, for those of you who had already known that Palin was the antichrist from the campaign coverage last year - you are quickly finding yourself in wider company! Her emergence on the political scene heralded not only the end of basic standards for our representation, but to also to the Republican Party as a whole...

It will be interesting to see over the next few years, how our political parties reorganize. I simply can not see the GOP being capable of pulling together enough votes to get anywhere near the the numbers they had just a few short years ago. And with the trending demographics, they are fighting an uphill fight. The circular firing squad took aim before the polls even closed on election day, leaving repulicans dividing into two distinct subgroups: social-conservatives and fiscal conservatives. Nutters and sane folk frantically watching their party become destroyed/defined by right wing talkshow zombies...

You might think I'd break out my dancing shoes right about now, but it really isn't a good feeling. Let's face it, a democracy with only one viable political party is no democracy at all. Not to mention, it stirs up the crazies who apparently have already exceeded their caffine allotment.

Democrats are not entirely safe from the threat of splinterization either, as the recent health care debate is revealing. Battlelines are being drawn by progressives against the more centrist, more entrenched democrats. The people are awake and paying attention, wondering where their "change" is... And in the philosophy of "lead, follow, or get out of the way" they will begin to see which kind of people we"ve put in office.

So as I said, it will be interesting to see what happens down the road. I wasn't comfortable calling it until now, but i think it is official. RIP GOP. Wish I could say we hardly knew 'ye... May the Haig avenge your death... or something like that.