Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Building Your Safety Net

I have the hardest time understanding why it is that regular people have any problem with reforming health care in this country... the evidence is irrefutably negative on the performance of our current system! America does NOT have the best health care in the world! We are fat, unhealthy, with low (and lowering) life expectancy and avoidable chronic disease. We are #1 in the COST of our health care though!!! So, I guess we have that going for us... not.

Recently I read an extremely interesting paper extrapolating the current rate of inflation in the cost of health care for the average American family another decade out... and you know what? The question isn't even "will I still have my health care coverage in 10 years?" -- it is instead, "will I have any coverage?"

Build your safety net people! Call your representative! In the remaking of health care, will he/she be representing YOU or Medical Industry?