Friday, July 31, 2009

In The Stars... August Edition

For those of you interested in astrology... Lynne Hayes has posted her Skywatch for August. I kinda like bookmarking the month's forecast and checking in from time to time to see if it's syncing up...

Thursday, July 30, 2009


I LOVE CHERRIES! My husband loves cherries. My kids love cherries... In fact, I just taught them to spit cherry pits last week, and it was a very very messy proposition let me tell you! So Tuesday night I was grocery shopping at Meijer and they had cherries on sale for $1.99/lb... and right next to that, they had had Michigan Cherries for $3.99/lb! I bought the Michigan Cherries. I hope some farmer here in Michigan ends up with my two extra dollars. And yours.

I Could Not Have Said It Better Myself!

I was lucky enough to catch Jack Lessenbery's essay on Michigan Radio... here are some highlights (rather, the lowlights) regarding Michigan's state budget:

"The government now thinks we are looking at a total general fund and school aid deficit of $2.7 billion dollars. But before we can tackle that monster, we first have to solve this year’s shortfall."


"According to the latest forecast, the state has a current deficit of more than $1.4 billion in the general and school aid funds. We have only two months to make up the difference. The good news is we can do that. Thanks, that is, to the federal stimulus money. But that leaves a lot less to cover future deficits. In fact, there won’t be nearly enough to get us through the year starting October 1.

And after that, we are looking at the edge of a cliff."

(emphasis mine)


"So here’s a suggestion for the governor: What your citizens need is for you to come on statewide TV and take some time to explain all this." "That what leaders do. That‘s why, in fact, we elected you."

Amen!You can hear the whole thing HERE.

All I can say is, "YES!!! What I can't understand is why this isn't the #1 news story on 6:00 news and the headline on every newspaper/newssite in the state right now! Or every day previous for the last year or two..."

This is coming folks, that's why I am harping on you to Build Your Safety Net!

The Beneficial Psychological Side Effects of Blogging

I learned something very important about myself today... as I am someone who is often so myopic, so detail-oriented, that I often find myself overwhelmed and stressed out by my need to make sense of it all - projects get quickly abandoned - I benefit quite a lot from blogging. Turns out, if I downscale "the prodject" down to documenting details, it all doesn't seem so overwhelming... It channels "the crazy" and gives my obsessive nature an outlet to do it's thing! I've never had that before! So that frees me up to accept that different things will be important at different times and I'd do myself a favor to just "ride the wave" and not just fight the current to get my predetermined destination...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Building Your Safety Net

I have the hardest time understanding why it is that regular people have any problem with reforming health care in this country... the evidence is irrefutably negative on the performance of our current system! America does NOT have the best health care in the world! We are fat, unhealthy, with low (and lowering) life expectancy and avoidable chronic disease. We are #1 in the COST of our health care though!!! So, I guess we have that going for us... not.

Recently I read an extremely interesting paper extrapolating the current rate of inflation in the cost of health care for the average American family another decade out... and you know what? The question isn't even "will I still have my health care coverage in 10 years?" -- it is instead, "will I have any coverage?"

Build your safety net people! Call your representative! In the remaking of health care, will he/she be representing YOU or Medical Industry?

Maybe It's Time for the Uncomfortable Conversation

Several weeks ago, I read a blog online by Frank Schaeffer that I just couldn't get out of my head... I knew I needed to post it, but was worried that it was "too much". For those of you unfamiliar with Frank's background, I highly suggest that you check the Wikipedia link to his name. I've heard him interviewed several times as he is a bit of a media darling of the far left, but never have his words resonated with me the way they did in this blog. The title was "The Real Lesson of Iran -- Beware America's Mullahs"...
When I first read it, I found myself both cheering Frank's bravery at calling out the religious hypocrisy of so many of our politicians and feeling a little horrified at how pervasive the spread of these kind of evangelical beliefs have become in American politics.

The recent swirl of revelations involving "C Street" and the background of the group responsible for the Prayer Luncheons, for housing so many of our representatives (including Michigan representative Bart Stupak), for influencing so much of our laws... have made sit up and take notice to Frank's words. Am I paranoid? Maybe. But as the old saying goes, "just because you are paranoid doesn't mean you aren't being followed."

Have we spent so much time judging "muslim extremists" over the last decade that we never took the time to look in the mirror ourselves to see what we have become? Or was it somehow okay, because it was "our" religion? So it couldn't be as horrible as some of the repressive muslim regimes, right? WRONG.

You can see it in the rise of violence against abortion providers, minorities, and government officials... You see it in the ridiculous rhetoric of "the birthers". These are intolerant people with no respect for anyone who isn't a white male. They are threatened by inevitable change and are ready to go down clawing to keep whatever privilege they have enjoyed for most of modern history. They are insecure, ignorant, and self-righteous as big a threat to this country as any Kim Jong-il. Or global warming. Or water shortage. Or economic disaster.

I used to try to avoid these type of conversations and posts, because I feared coming off as paranoid but I am starting to think that by continuing to avoid them I am just being disingenuous. By not speaking out about these crazies, I am just as complicit as the "moderate muslims" that we often criticized for not taking a more hardline stance against those that would corrupt THEIR religion with extremism...

We can all feel it now, bubbling below the surface. It is an intensely uncomfortable feeling. But look, this is not a black and white issue - just because someone proclaims an affiliation with God does not give them a free pass to behave maliciously and without media scrutiny...

Is anyone else feeling this?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

HEALTHCARE: We're Coming Down to the Wire Folks

If you have been following the healthcare debate, you know that this week is make it or break it time on the public option. Slinkerwink, my guru for all things healthcare over at the DailyKos is beating the bushes trying to get folks to make some phone calls in defense of public healthcare... If this is a topic important to you or your family, I am politely asking that you GET OFF YOUR ASS AND PITCH IN!!!

This is where having the phone number to the Capitol Hill operator and the White House comes in handy! Print Slinkerwink's diary, highlight some talking points and the names of the representatives that need to hear from us and GET TO WORK.

Me, I'll be making my calls on the drive home from work... wish me luck!

News Break

My appologizies on the lask of updates over the last few days... I was taking a well-needed vacation from the news in order to get back my sanity and energy! I'm starting off slow because I have had some work to do for my ACTUAL job, but thought I should touch base and encourage folks interested in seeing real healthcare reform to GET ACTIVE ASAP!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Starting Local...

You've likely heard the phrase, "vote with your dollars" and may or may not have understood what that even means...

Well, here in Michigan (and I hear we are not the only ones) we are having a bit of an "economic crisis". Our friends, neighbors, and coworkers here are being disproportionately effected.

"How can I help?", you say? So glad you asked!!! It's easy: BUY MICHIGAN FIRST when you can! A link to the sites list of Michigan made products can be found HERE. Help someone YOU know...

P.S. If you are a Michigander that is making or selling something, it might be worth it to contact them and get added to their list. SPREAD THE WORD!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Told You So

California tax board: Legal pot could generate $1.4 billion | McClatchy

I think I called this, but didn't realize that California was already ON THE JOB!

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Leon Panetta

Really? I swear to God this the dad from American Pie!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Very Moving Diary On Race

"Dear Scared White Men of America

by Vita Brevis
Mon Jul 13, 2009 at 09:55:53 AM PDT

Let's talk. If you're not someone like Sessions, Hatch, Graham etc. this is NOT directed to you.

I can imagine that it's really an adjustment for you to see so many changes taking place in our nation. We have our first non-white President and we are on the cusp of having only our third woman and first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice.

You don't understand how someone's experience other than being a white male, which in your view is the norm...the baseline...the yardstick by which all is measured, is relevant to anything. You see the world through false equivalencies and rear projected ideals that don't and have never existed."

CLICK HERE to read the diary in full. It wonderfull perpective.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Special kinds of stupid:

So many options for examples of Michelle's mind at work. Here's one of my favorites:

My favorite description Bachmann: "She teh ignorant, lightly pan-fried in rabid froth, wrapped in a warm crazy, smothered in a heavy layer of stupid sauce, and served up with a side of bizarre on a layer of crisp, shredded cluelessness." by Redpin, DKos commentor 4/6/09.

TGIF: Freeper Update

And what better way to start a weekend than a pissing match between DailyKos and The Free Republic?

Despite the DKos post claims that the link was "restored", I was unable to find the actual posting on TFR website, as it is currently claiming it has been pulled by the moderator... No matter, the DKos diarist screen-grabbed it and copied some of the most offense comments about THIS picture of Malia Obama:

They include:

"We’re being represented by a family of ghetto trash."

"Looks like a bunch of ghetto thugs. A stain on America."

"Looks like a typical street whore."

"What we now are sending the ghetto over to represent us. and if so who the hell is
that flea bag who looks to be dragged from the trash dumpster."

"you could go down any ghetto right now and see exactly the same."

"could you imagine what world leaders must be thinking seeing this kind of street trash and that we paid for this kind of street ghetto trash to go over there"

"the world must be laughing like mad right now at that we have this kind of street trash in our white house."

"Wonder when she will have her first abortion."

"sad isn’t it that we now have ghetto street trash over there representing us in

"This disgusting display makes me more and more eager for the revolution.

"They make me sick.... The whole family... mammy, pappy, the free loadin’ mammy-in-law, the misguided chillin’, and especially ‘lil cuz... This is not the America I want representin’ my peeps."

It's worth reading the original diary, if only for the sense of perspective and to read a copy of the letter sent to TFR. Yep, these are your fellow (racist) Americans, keepin' it real in their own special way.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Stay Strong Tehran...

July Starwatch

If you are into astrology, THIS is a really interesting blog that details out planetary changes and how our environment will be affected. Not sure if it is science or voodoo - but it's always interesting to read!!!

Is the clock running out on the two-party system?

Well, for those of you who had already known that Palin was the antichrist from the campaign coverage last year - you are quickly finding yourself in wider company! Her emergence on the political scene heralded not only the end of basic standards for our representation, but to also to the Republican Party as a whole...

It will be interesting to see over the next few years, how our political parties reorganize. I simply can not see the GOP being capable of pulling together enough votes to get anywhere near the the numbers they had just a few short years ago. And with the trending demographics, they are fighting an uphill fight. The circular firing squad took aim before the polls even closed on election day, leaving repulicans dividing into two distinct subgroups: social-conservatives and fiscal conservatives. Nutters and sane folk frantically watching their party become destroyed/defined by right wing talkshow zombies...

You might think I'd break out my dancing shoes right about now, but it really isn't a good feeling. Let's face it, a democracy with only one viable political party is no democracy at all. Not to mention, it stirs up the crazies who apparently have already exceeded their caffine allotment.

Democrats are not entirely safe from the threat of splinterization either, as the recent health care debate is revealing. Battlelines are being drawn by progressives against the more centrist, more entrenched democrats. The people are awake and paying attention, wondering where their "change" is... And in the philosophy of "lead, follow, or get out of the way" they will begin to see which kind of people we"ve put in office.

So as I said, it will be interesting to see what happens down the road. I wasn't comfortable calling it until now, but i think it is official. RIP GOP. Wish I could say we hardly knew 'ye... May the Haig avenge your death... or something like that.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

So what does 60 really mean?

Well, it means THIS - that's what! And THAT is the sweetest gift of all...


Well THIS is interesting!

According to Rep. Lincoln, "Health care reform must build upon what works and improve inefficiencies. Individuals should be able to choose from a range of quality health insurance plans. Options should include private plans as well as a quality, affordable public plan or non-profit plan that can accomplish the same goals as those of a public plan."

Just less than a month ago, Nate Silver put together a list of representatives not supporting a public option and the likelihood that the representative could be convinced to change his/her vote. Blanche Lincoln was WAY down that list for a likely conversion... Maybe I need to make it a point to look up how others further up the list may have (or have not) changed their stance as well...

Oh boy!

Kilmeade: Americans don't have "pure genes" like Swedes because "we keep marrying other species and other ethnics"

Bedtime Story

Here's an idea...

You know how you are loathe to even get involved in politics because it leaves you feeling dirty? Disgusted by the back-biting, greed, and constant disappointments? Here's an idea! BE NICE. Reward someone for doing something you appreciate. Let them know you support them in their actions and appreciate them keeping firm on policy decisions you agree with as well.

I know, I know... you want to know "where's the snark?" Is she being serious? I hardly have enough time to call a bitch about the things I hate! Well, to you I say that is okay to BE NICE.

“We have compromised enough, and we are not going to compromise on any kind of trigger game,” Woolsey said she told Emanuel. “People clapped all over the place. We mean it, and not just progressives.”

So today I contacted Lynne Woolsey's office and asked them to please thank Rep. Woolsey for me. I also added that, "as an American, I appreciate her being such a vocal advocate for the public option. I agree that this most effective way to provide care for her constituents for the least amount of cost to our country."

Maybe you don't think we should have a public option. Maybe you want to contact her to tell her that she is wrong and she sucks. But if you agree with her, maybe drop her an email. Or your representative, to let he/she know how you feel about what Rep. Woolsey said. Or your local paper. Or your husband.

Get involved.
UPDATE: LOL! SEE - looks like I wasn't the only progressive feeling charitable today!

Know Your Enemy On Health Care Reform

Do you support a strong, robust Medicare like public health care option being included in any health care "reform"? If so, THIS is what you are up against. These people are your enemy. They represent corporations (health care/pharmacutical industries) that function solely to sell a product (insurance/drugs) for as much profit as possible for the least cost. Trust me, whether or not you are healthy (or - heaven forbid - CURED) does not even enter in to the equation. They pay your politician lots and lots of money so that they can continue to profit as much as possible from your "health care" for the least personal cost. Your politicians hear them, have you made your voice heard?

Crashing The Party

I would not try to pretend for a moment that Democrats are not just as guilty of this shit as the Republicans - I do NOT view this as a partisan issue!

The problem is that banks and corporations have unparalleled access to our politicians under the excuse of "First Amendment Rights" to freedom of speech. I am sorry, but a business is NOT a person and is not entitled to rights given to a citizen. It can not vote. It does not have the capacity to behave morally nor does it have any real responsibility for the negative consequences of its actions. It only functions to sell a product for as much profit as possible for the least cost. Our current campaign finance policies just serve to make the rich richer and to keep the same people and power year after year (regardless of the quality of their service to their consituency). What happened to a Government "...for the People"?

Check out the Sunlight Foundation's "Party Time" website HERE to read up on similar stories.

(**climbs down from soapbox**)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

(okay, last one - promise) True

(again) True


Woah! Slow down Harry!

Reid Orders Dems: Stop Chasing GOP Votes On Health Care

Freeper of the Day

I don't know why I wander over, it only makes me embarrassed for our country and our species... Regardless, courtesy of The Free Republic, here is my Freeper comment of the day:

To: Mount Athos
As much as I hate to admit it, I do know some LibTards that actually ARE sentient, feeling, thinking human beings. With kids that they adore. And pets. And careers. And homes with nice lawns.

It’s been six months and they’ve already HAD IT with 0bama and this Socialist Experiment...that THEY voted for!

And even if they’re not able to formulate complete sentences to convey what they’re feeeeeling, they sure as heck aren’t saying anything POSITIVE about the guy.

I mean, really! BEFORE the election you couldn’t shut them UP. Now, not a peep from them about all the ‘good’ their Messiah is doing for America, LOL!

I guess even low-ranking LibTards are a little nervous about keeping their jobs and watching their retirement savings dwindle. ;)

Good. *SMIRK*

6 posted on Monday, July 06, 2009 9:12:10 PM by Diana in Wisconsin (Save The Earth. It's The Only Planet With Chocolate.)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies]

Now certainly there were uglier, meaner, and stupider comments that deserve a strong honorable mention - but I chose this one because the commentator lured me in with her deep empathy for us "LibTards", admitting some of us have the capacity for human decency...

Anthrax, Iraq, and several suspicious deaths...

I have always thought that the few meager explanations provided by the government and mass media regarding the Anthrax Attacks of 2001 just left more questions than answers...

Recently a documentary linking those attacks to the death of David Kelly, a British Weapons Inspector that challenged the governments assertion that Iraq possessed WMDs. To be fair, I have only read the text at this point (which reads like it was written by Ken Follett) and haven't had a chance to watch the documentary or do any fact checking so reader beware. Definitely one of those stories that send you down a rabbit hole and not for the faint of heart:
(full diary and parts of the documentary at the link)

and if you REALLY want a scary briefer, just go to this keyword search of the Daily Mail and scan through the headlines associated with David Kelly... yikes.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Sullivan: Even the total nutters are off the bus now

Link to Andrew Sullivans blog at The Atlantic.

Raise your hand if you thought you'd seen the last of him back in November...

Holding Firm On The Public Option

For anyone actively following the current health care legislation debate, I tend to keep watch of this diarist as she is usually incredibly knowledgeable on the topic. Her instructions tend toward the tedious though and was a big motivator for me to find quicker ways to self advocate... Don't let her make you crazy, ANYTHING you do (any phone call, email, or fax you send) is already more than most people do. If we all do a little then less of us have to do everything.

AKM on Sarah

Another interesting post on Sarah Palin...

New GOP "Racist" Headache

Today on The Daily Beast.

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Great article on AutoWorld. Kinda interesting to have a wider perspective on it now to contrast with my memories of it as a kid...

Interesting article on Sarah Palin

Is Sarah just a "Mean Girl"? Very interesting NPR article on her.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Staycation vs. Vacation

I have been on "staycation" all week, and (as a parent of 1 & 3 -year-olds) have not had ten straight minutes to peruse the interwebs in what feels like forever... for those of you unfamiliar with the "staycation", let me sum up. It's like a vacation in that you do not go to work, but that is pretty much the beginning and the end of all similarities. Unlike a vacation, on "staycation" you:

1. don't go anywhere exotic (no, Warren Ohio is not exotic. quit it.)
2. actually have more work and stress than you would have if you'dve just worked
3. end up not even liking your family anymore by the end

To be fair, that last one happens sometime with vacation to but usually you are distracted enough by the new, exotic surroundings. I was only able to distract myself with fussy kids all off their schedules and mounting piles of dishes I could not get to by the aforementioned fussy kids.

So as I was saying... I haven't been able to read any news, blogs, or even watch my beloved Charlie Gibson in time out of mind! And most distressing of all - SARAH FREAKIN' PALIN got to resign completely under my radar and I had to learn third hand from my cousins twitterberry!

It's a cruel, cruel summer...