Friday, November 13, 2009

... And I Feel Fine!

In just the last few days:

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to stand trial in NYC?

Returning Urban Space to Nature

No Increase of Forces in Afghanistan
Lou Dobbs Retires

Health Care Passes the House

Possible Audit of the Fed

States Experience Record Budget Cuts

"On the 13th a square from the Sun to Chiron will shine a light on the steps that are necessary to achieve inner wisdom. Usually this involves breaking through a block of some kind, or releasing trapped emotional energy. That will become easier on the 14th when the Sun forms a harmonious trine to Uranus and we are flooded with new ideas and the excitement of change." -Planetary Illuminations

Monday, October 12, 2009


"i have accepted fear as a part of life, specifically the fear of change, the fear of the unknown. i have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says: turn back, turn back: you'll die if you venture too far." -erica jong

(shamelessly lifted from my friend Cindy's facebook profile - thanks Cin!!!)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Can Sotomayor Save Congress From Itself?

I LOVE Diane's Rheims' "Weekly News Roundup" - it's the only NPR show that I get really upset about missing... This week, one of the panelist made a statement that I thought was pretty profound:

Justice Sotomayor openly questions why we treat companies as people anyways? It has been that way since the 1900s...
This is the jist of the comment anyway, since I haven't had time to listen again for the direct quote (I think it's around 40-45 min mark or so), sorry. But I remember feeling excited because this highlights the hingepin of campaign finance reform!

Corporation are only allowed to pay lobbiest to do their job or donate directly to a politician precisely because of a supreme court ruling giving corporation First Ammendment rights to free speech and equating speech with money. This was a very hasty ruling with very little evidence explaining why they made the decision they did.

If this new Supreme Court Justice is coming on board from this point of view than I am for the first time truly pleased at her nomination. I supported it from the beginning and felt that she would make logical decisions and was a worthy candidate. That is a bit different than "truly pleased" though.

Welcome Justice Sodomeyer, I'm glad to have on our Supreme Court!